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let's tap into their story!

Stone Brewing was founded in 1996 by Greg Koch and Steve Wagner in San Marcos, California, USA. Koch and Wagner had both previously worked in the brewing industry and had a shared passion for beer. The two beer-lovers started Stone Brewing with the aim of creating the perfect choice for high-quality, flavorful beers for those who were unsatisfied with the commercial beers that dominated the market at the time.

Koch and Wagner always had their sights on Southern California, but it took a trip to Solana Beach for Greg to realise that this was the perfect place to make their beer-related dreams come true. Soon after, Greg moved to San Marcos and was quickly followed by Steve. 11 months later, the two successfully get the keys to their brewery!
25 Years of Stone Brewing
In its early years, Stone Brewing faced some challenges; all it had was an empty warehouse but it was quickly filled with brewing equipment and a lot of ambition. Thankfully, the local breweries were very quick to welcome Stone Brewing into the community and show their support. After the once empty warehouse was filled, Stone opened for business and sold its first keg to Vince Marsaglia of Pizza Port.

In 2022, Stone Brewing was bought out by Sapporo. The news caused quite a stir in the craft beer industry given the brewery’s “anti-sell-out” stance, but the decision was made with Stone’s future in mind. Stone’s chain retail sales have been struggling to peak in recent years and the sale to Sapporo will definitely help Stone to bounce back. Despite the acquisition, Sapporo promises that Stone’s existing operations and growth projections would be preserved and Stone will continue churning out its bold and tasty beers as usual.

Stone’s branding: from upside-down labels to its iconic gargoyle

First of all, why “Stone”? Well, co-founders Koch and Wagner wanted a name that was synonymous with the traditional European vibes their brews carried. The gargoyle logo came after, as the creature was made of stone and were also seen as protectors; a perfect fit, truly.

With the gargoyle protecting their beers from the evils of the beer industry - chemical additives, improper brewing techniques, and cheap ingredients - Stone can safely promote their craft beers as authentic and delicious.
Stone’s branding definitely contributed to its strong cult following, with its hip gargoyle mascot sitting snugly on every bottle and can. However, the brewery also utilises unique marketing strategies to continue setting itself apart from the rest.

Leave no stone unturned - that was the motto for Stone’s first ad campaign which involved releasing its brews with upside-down labels. Sure, it was a clever marketing stunt to attract the public’s attention, but it was also an intentional hint to the brewery’s culture of trial and error!

Stone’s signature beer: Arrogant Bastard Ale

Before Stone Brewing even opened, Wagner made a mistake while formulating their recipes. This resulted in a brew that they loved, but seemed way too aggressive for the public. In November, 1997, the two decided that it was time to introduce the aggressive brew to the world.

Greg and Warner decided to name the beer Arrogant Bastard Ale, as it fit the aggressive and intense character of the beer. Arrogant Bastard Ale was an instant hit; everytime Stone restocked the shelves, it would always sell out. The aggressive ale later became the brewery’s flagship beer. Despite Stone’s disclaimer that it was hated by many, many absolutely loved the Arrogant Bastard Ale.
Over the years, Stone Brewing has continued to innovate and push the boundaries of what beer can be. The brewery has released numerous acclaimed beers, including Stone IPA, Stone Ruination IPA, and Stone Delicious IPA.

Stone Brewing ain’t arrogant, they're a sustainability "GOAT"

Don’t judge a book by its cover, or rather, don’t judge a brewery by its beer names. Sure, Stone Brewing birthed the Arrogant Bastard Ale, but it is far from being an arrogant, snobbish brewery that doesn’t care for the environment!

Stone is not only certified in the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design, but it also goes to lengths to be sustainable. From water conservation efforts to sustainable landscape management, Stone does its best to reduce its carbon footprint. Stone even has goats that graze the green overgrowth at the Richmond brewery; brewers can watch the adorable creatures at work while sipping their beers and the brewery gets to maintain its landscape.

Stone isn’t only focused on brewing tasty beers; it brews top-quality beers while maintaining a commitment to environmental, social, and business ethics.

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